Can / could / be able to

Одно дело «уметь», другое — «суметь». Одно дело «мочь», другое — «быть в стостоянии».


Многозначность can, синонимичность be able to 

Can you help me with my homework?
Are you able to help me with my homework?
Не будет ли учитель против, если ты мне поможешь с заданием? (разрешение)
Can you help me with my homework?
Are you able to help me with my homework?
Если ты не очень занят сейчас, поможешь с заданием? (возможность)
Can you help me with my homework?
Are you able to help me with my homework?
Понимешь ли ты что-нибудь в этой теме? (способность)

Can = be able to 

He can’t help youHe is not able to help you
He can help you tomorrowHe will be able to help you tomorrow
He could help youHe was able to help you

Can = might be able to 

Tom can come tomorrow.Tom might be able to come tomorrow.

Can not (раздельно) = might not be able to 

She can not comeShe might not be able to come

Фактическая возможность 

Yet you can look at the future of it in this very objective way.Yet you are able to look at the future of it in this very objective way.

Смочь / суметь 

I ran fast so I could catch the bus.смог сесть на автобус, и неважно, получилось или нет, важен мотив быстрого бега
I ran fast, so I could have caught the bus. (I ran fast so I could catch the bus but I didn’t run fast enough.)мог, но не сумел сесть на автобус
I ran fast, so (and therefore) I was able to catch the bus.сумел в итоге сесть на автобус

was / were able to = managed to = реализовано 

We were able to finish work earlier last Tuesday. (We managed to finish work earlier last Tuesday.)смогли, и получилось
I wasn’t able to lock the door yesterday. (I didn’t manage to lock the door yesterday.)так и не смог

could = реализовано 

Finally we could finish work.Наконец, мы смогли закончить работу

could = не реализовано 

We could finish work earlier last Tuesday.могли, но не вышло
I couldn’t lock the door yesterday.не мог, и не получилось

could + see / hear / smell / taste / feel / remember / understand 

When we went into the house, we could smell burningWhen we went into the house, we were able to smell burning

Модальный глагол + able to 

Для выражения двойной модальности, саn заменяют на be able to, поскольку два модальных глагола не употребляются вместе

I might be able to help you with the essay.I might can help you with the essay.

can не имеет present perfect 

I haven’t been able to sleep recently.I couldn’t sleep recently.

can не имеет форм будущего времени 

He will be able to walk in two monthsHe can walk in two months

Абстрактные субъекты + can 

This can be done.This is able to be done.
This fact can disprove their hypothesis.This fact is able to disprove their hypothesis.


Для отрицания универсален could.

We tried hard but we couldn’t persuade them to come with us.We tried hard but we were not able to persuade them to come with us.
Alf played well but he couldn’t beat Jack.Alf played well but he wasn’t able to beat Jack.

В ленивой речи могут употребить can (be) able to / can’t (be) able to.

What if you won’t be able to serve someone in small claims court?What if you can’t (be) able to serve someone in small claims court?


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