XIV Олимпиада по английскому

XIV Всероссийская олимпиада по английскому языку 2013 г., региональный этап.


Льготы олимпиадников 

Всероссийская олимпиада […] проходит под эгидой Министерства образования и науки РФ (далее по тексту — Минобр) по таким предметам как математика, химия, физика, биология, информатика и т. д. С 2009 года она имеет 4 этапа: школьный, муниципальный, региональный и заключительный (в городах Москва и Санкт-Петербург ситуация несколько другая).

Только победители и призеры заключительного (четвертого) этапа Всероссийской олимпиады имеют право льготного поступления в ВУЗ.

Т.е., если ваш ребенок имеет диплом призера или победителя Всероса, допустим по математике, то его должны взять вне конкурса в любой российский ВУЗ на любой факультет, где математика является профильным предметом.

Если же ваш ребенок с дипломом Всероса по математике идет, например, на филологический факультет, то ему засчитывают 100 баллов по математике, и он поступает по общему конкурсу (за это утверждение не ручаюсь, поскольку практической надобности в ответе на этот вопрос не было).

Очень редко на некоторых факультетах бывает два профильных предмета. Например, на Совместном бакалавриате ВШЭ и РЭШ профильные предметы есть экономика и математика, поэтому туда берут с дипломами Всероса и по экономике и по математике.

Олимпиадники сдают ЕГЭ 

Результаты олимпиадников будут учтены только если сдан профильный ЕГЭ минимум на 65 баллов.

Победители Олимпиад, при поступлении в высшие учебные заведения, все равно должны сдавать ЕГЭ по профильному предмету.

Такую идею Ярослав Кузьминов высказал в письме, которое он направил в Минобрнауки и Рособрнадзор, пишет газета «Коммерсантъ».

Как отмечает издание, ректор ВШЭ всерьез обеспокоен возможностью коррупции при проведении олимпиад. И именно это делает необходимым сдачу ЕГЭ.

На экзамене по профильному предмету победитель умственных состязаний должен будет набрать не менее семидесяти баллов.

«Не секрет, что помочь нужному человеку на олимпиаде проще, чем на ЕГЭ» — цитирует письмо «Коммерсант».

Впрочем, еще один пункт предложенной Кузьминовым реформы, касается уже не только олимпиадников, но и всех абитуриентов.

Ректор ВШЭ предлагает наделить Вузы правом делить ЕГЭ на основные и второстепенные.

Тогда приемные комиссии будут сравнивать только сумму балов набранных абитуриентами на экзаменах по профильным предметам.


Participant’s ID number

Time: 90 minutes

Writing task 1

Imagine that you are a teacher of English at school and you have given your students the writing assignment:

Comment on the following statement.

When you are studying away from home, the best choice for you is to live with your acquaintances

What is your opinion? Do you agree with this statement?

Write 180 — 200 words.

Use the following plan:

  • make an introduction (state the problem)
  • express your personal opinion and give 2 reasons for your opinion
  • express an opposing opinion and give 1 reason for this opposing opinion
  • explain why you don’t agree with the opposing opinion
  • make a conclusion restating your position

One of your students has sent you her essay by e-mail.

Playing the role of a school teacher,

  1. find 5 (grammar, vocabulary or spelling) mistakes in your student’s work and correct them;
  2. write an e-mail to your student, expressing your opinion on her work (use 50 — 60 words).

Observe the rules of letter writing, except for the address. Do not write your real name!

Student’s Essay

When you are studying away from home, the best choice for you is to live with your acquaintances.

  1. I disagree to this statement. If you are thinking of going away to study, your
  2. choice of accommodation will be very important. You may be lucky enough to have
  3. the chance of staying with somebody your parents know, for example, your
  4. distant relatives or your parents’ friends. However, this can bring problems as well as
  5. advantages. Family life may well distract you of your studies, and there will also be
  6. the question of what you should pay to your hosts. No matter how carring they may
  7. be and no matter how much they want you with them, they won’t expect to keep you
  8. for nothing. Paying too much or too little can easily lead to feeling awkward but
  9. setting the right amount can be tricky and embarrassed.
  10. You will also have to adjust with your hosts’ way of life and put up with
  11. their habits. They will also have to do their best to make you feel at home. In other
  12. words, it is wrong to believe that if you are living with somebody you know it
  13. will be costing nothing either for you or for them. Living in a dormitory can often
  14. be the best arrangement after all.

Ann Applewood

Find and correct the mistakes. Complete the table below. The first mistake has been corrected as an example. Find 5 more mistakes and correct them.


Playing the role of a school teacher, write an e-mail to your student, expressing your opinion on her work. Do not comment on the grammar, vocabulary or spelling mistakes in your letter. Comment on the composition and general idea of the essay. Observe the rules of letter writing, except for the address. Do not write your real name! Write 50 — 60 words.

Writing task 2

Write your own version of the story based on the picture.

Remember to:
  • include a title;
  • describe events in an entertaining way;
  • include elements of direct speech, description of feelings and emotions;
  • make an unexpected ending.

Write 220 — 250 words.


13(will) be costing(will) cost / costs

Listening & Reading 

Time: 45 minutes


Task 1

You will hear a story. For items 1—10 decide whether the statements marked 1—10 are True (A) or False (B) according to the text you hear. You will hear the text only ONCE.

Задание / Варианты ответа
1. “Family” is the speaker’s favourite classroom topic.
A. True B. False
2. The speaker thinks that all families are different.
A. True B. False
3. The speaker is a grandparent.
A. True B. False
4. The speaker thinks his family is strange.
A. True B. False
5. The speaker once was a genealogist.
A. True B. False
6. The speaker’s family used to have a fortune.
A. True B. False
7. The speaker’s great-grandfather took part in a Portuguese revolution.
A. True B. False
8. There are not many English idioms about family life.
A. True B. False
9. Feminists like Cockney slang expressions defining a wife.
A. True B. False
10. The speaker wants to know more about his uncle.
A. True B. False

Integrated listening and reading

Task 2

Read the text about the salmon migration, then listen to a part of the lecture on the same topic. You will notice that some ideas coincide and some differ in them. Answer questions 11—25 by choosing:

  • A if the idea is expressed in both materials,
  • B if it can be found only in the audio- recording,
  • C if it can be found only in the reading text, and
  • D if neither of the materials expresses the idea.

Now you have 7 minutes to read the text.

Salmon, a fish prized for both food and sport, has a complex life cycle. After spending several years in the ocean, adult salmon travel back to the freshwater streams where they were originally spawned, to lay their eggs. The females bury the eggs under the sand at the bottom of the streams. When the fish are large enough, two years after hatching, the young salmon, called smolts, drift into rivers from smaller streams. The smolts use the strong flow from the melting snows to get to the Pacific Ocean, where they travel until they return to start the cycle again.
The damming of river systems in the northwestern region of the United States has had devastating effects on salmon. Not only are dams an obstacle for salmon navigating upstream, but they are also an impediment for the smolts travelling to the sea. The current itself has become very slow, not just because of the construction of numerous dams but also because companies intentionally operate the dams to slow the current. They store the water from the melting snow until the winter, when more electric power is needed. As fewer smolts reach the oceans and fewer adults return, salmon fail to produce a sufficiently numerous new generation. This could eventually lead to the extinction of the fish.
Attempts are being made to get the young salmon downriver more quickly. One such attempt has consisted of transporting the smolts by barge. Another suggestion, proposed by environmentalists, is to increase the rate of water flow. Also under consideration is the reduction of the water level in the reservoirs for a period in the spring when the smolts are migrating downstream. This would also increase the flow rate temporarily, without requiring massive amounts of water, and thus enable the young salmon to move downstream faster

Now listen to a part of the lecture on the same topic and then do the task (11-25), comparing the text above and the lecture. You will hear the lecture twice.

11Snow-melting water is kept in reservoirs until the winter when more electricity has to be produced
12The strength of the current affects the lifecycle of salmons
13Power companies are eager to help environmentalists save the species from complete extinction
14Artificial transportation to the sea can damage great numbers of young salmon
15Dams can cause problems to fish migration
16One of the methods proposed for restoring salmon population is using barges for transporting smolts to the salt water
17As an organism, salmon goes through various stages of its development
18Smolts move upstream to reach their natural habitat
19The reason why a lot of fish die is that they have already changed to live in the ocean water, while the long trip keeps them in fresh water no longer suitable for their bodies
20There are two main reasons for which salmon is considered to be valuable
21The Pacific Ocean is the favourite hatching place of adult salmon females
22The time necessary for young salmon to reach the ocean in natural conditions is from one to three weeks
23Melting snow can help young salmon to reach seawater
24Large-scale damming intensifies the flow of water and thus triggers the hatching
25Several solutions proposed for facilitating salmon migration have been criticised


Task 3

You are going to read an article containing information about seven comedians appearing at a large annual arts festival in the UK. For questions 26—40, choose from the reviews (A-G). The reviews may be chosen more than once.

Top Comedians at this Summer’s Festival

This year’s festival offers a wide variety of stand-up comedians for visitors to choose from. Here is our pick of some of the best of them.

A Sarah Millican

Millican took home the best newcomer award at the festival two years ago and her career will be the model for the many aspiring comics making their debuts at this year’s festival. Millican followed up that success with television appearances on some popular prime-time shows as well as her own radio series. Her new show, Chatterbox, only her third full-length show, will go on to become her first national tour this autumn. Audiences love her combination of warm northern chat and her frank jokes.

B Jennifer Coolidge

The festival wouldn’t be complete without at least one US movie star braving a month of live audiences, and this year it’s Jennifer Coolidge, best known to a generation of teenagers as Stifler’s mom in the American Pie series. A talented comic actress, Coolidge makes her festival debut this year with a noisy show about pop culture, show business and men. No one quite knows what to expect, but it should be worth a visit.

C Shappy Khorsandi

Now with a bestselling book to her name and an increasing television profile Shappi Khorsandi is likely to be one of the most popular acts at the festival, as her popularity is not restricted to any generation, and she has a talent for making men as well as women feel comfortable. Past shows have relied heavily on her Iranian heritage and her father’s story; this year, expect to hear a lot more about her current personal life. Her recent divorce and life as a single mother have provided her with plenty of raw material, but for Khorsandi the personal and political are always comically tangled.

D Robin Ince

Taking time out from his stage and radio collaborations with the scientist Brian Cox, Robin Ince returns to the festival, offering fans who enjoy his winning combination of intellectual curiosity and explosive liberal views a choice of two shows. A committed supporter of the “Free Fringe”, a collective effort to resist the dominance of the big venues and sponsors, Ince will be offering his shows free. These are Robin Ince Asks Why? and Carl Sagan Is Still My God, the latter being a homage to the American astrophysicist and popular science writer.

E Ardal O’Hanlon

It may be hard not to think of him first and foremost as Father Dougal, the character he played in the popular TV drama series, but O’Hanlon began as a stand-up comic and is one of the most accomplished live performers you’ll find at the festival. Fresh from performing in the US last year in a triple bill with two other Irish comics, O’Hanlon’s live act ought to be compulsory viewing for any aspiring comedian; a friendly, slightly bewildered air masks a sharp intelligence, and his mastery of timing and delivery is a joy to watch. This is a new show for the festival and, as with his festival show last year, it is the prelude to a nationwide tour in the autumn.

F Susan Calman

Former corporate lawyer Susan Calman has been a favourite among Scottish comedy fans and discerning festival-goers since giving up her day job four years ago, but this year the secret is well and truly out. The diminutive Scot, now a regular on radio’s News Quiz, has moved to a bigger venue, with a new show in which she considers her own childhood. She’s passionate about political comedy often publicly regretting the lack of effective political satire in Britain.

G Emo Philips

In only his fourth appearance at the festival, the remarkable Emo Philips brings the show he is currently touring across the US, Please Witness My Act. The man described by Psychology Today as “stand-up comedy’s zany godfather” last visited in 2001, when he out-sold every other act at the festival. Over the past 35 years, Philips has won a devoted cult following, with his strange persona and his skillful jokes — three of them made it into a recent magazine list of The 75 Best Jokes of All Time. A true original, he may puzzle the mainstream, but his fans will be thrilled to see him back.

About which comedian is the following statement made?
26This comedian appeals to people of different genders and ages
27This comedian is critical to the current state of their favourite type of comedy
28This comedian will do a show nationwide for the first time later this year
29Anyone who wants to be a comedian should watch this person in action
30This comedian has also had some success as an author
31It’s this comedian’s first appearance at the festival
32You don’t have to pay to go to this comedian’s show
33This comedian won a prize at a previous festival
34This comedian uses difficult experiences from their own life in shows
35This comedian was previously employed in a legal profession
36Among a certain group this comedian is better known for working in films
37This comedian might not appeal to everyone
38Many young comedians would like to imitate this person’s career
39This comedian recently did an overseas tour with some other comedians from their country
40This comedian has recently worked on radio and in the theatre with another well-known person


Listening & Reading



Use of English 

Time: 30 minutes

Task 1

For items 1 — 10 solve the crossword completing the conversations below with suitable words. Some words have been filled in as an example.

1. — Can I have my money back please?
— I’m sorry, we don’t give ___.
2. — Were those shoes expensive?
— Not at all. They were a real ___.
3. — Are you looking for anything in particular?
— Not really. I’m just ___ .
4. — I’m afraid I’ve broken your vase.
— Don’t worry. It wasn’t ___ anything
5. — Are you going to buy that new coat?
— I can’t. My account is already ___.
6. — Have you got anything smaller than a 20$ note?
— I’m sorry, I’ve run out of ___ .
7. — Do you get this magazine by post every month?
— Yes, I pay an annual ___ .
8. — How many tickets would you like?
— Ten please. Do we get a group ___?
9. — I think I’ve been overcharged.
— Really? Could you show me your ___ please?
10. — Why aren’t you travelling by train?
— I can’t afford the ___

Task 2

For items 11 — 20 fill in the gaps, using the words in the box. There are some extra words you don’t have to use.

arranged, at, exciting, historic, historical, Imperial, near, nearby, on, quiet, quite, relaxed, scene, scenery, serving, shade, shadow, the Imperial, wander, within, wonder

Stay at 11. ___ Hotel.
Relax and enjoy the beautiful 12. ___ around you.
Would you like a game of golf and tennis? Or would you prefer to 13. ___ in remote hills on a sunny day? Or would you like just a 14. ___ rest in the 15. ___ of the garden?
Situated on the banks of the Thames, the hotel has a lot of facilities for young and old.
It is also 16. ___ easy reach of several interesting 17. ___ buildings, dated back to the 18th century.
Special food can be 18. ___ for vegetarians and those on a diet.
We can meet you at the 19.___ station, called ‘The Thames Gardens’, 20. ___ arrival.
It’s only a 5-minute drive from the station to the hotel.
Reasonable prices.
You will really enjoy staying here


Use of English


11the Imperial


Set 1

Student 1

Task 1

(Monologue: 2—3 minutes)

Imagine you are a “tourist guide”. Your task is to tell a "foreign tourist" (your partner) about the famous Russian monument The Bronze Horseman (picture 1, set 1).

You are given a fact file in Russian from which you should choose the information about the monument and present it to the “tourist” in an entertaining way.

Tell about

  • the significance of the monument to Russia,
  • the history of its construction and
  • some peculiarities of its design.

You are given 15 minutes to look through the fact file and get prepared to your part of the “excursion”. Your speech on the monument should last for 2—3 minutes.

(Dialogue: 2 minutes)

Answer 3 QUESTIONS of your partner (“a foreign tourist”), who wants to get ADDITIONAL FACTS and INFORMATION, which were not mentioned in your presentation.

(Dialogue: 2 minutes)

Task 2

Now you are a “foreign tourist”. Listen to the presentation of your partner on another monument, ask your partner (“a tourist guide”) 3 QUESTIONS about the monument to get ADDITIONAL INFORMATION, not mentioned by your partner.

(picture 2, set 2)


Критерии оценивания конкурсов 

Конкурсы первого тура

  1. Конкурс понимания устного и письменного текстов — 40 баллов (за каждый правильный ответ дается 1 балл, всего 40 вопросов).
  2. Лексико-грамматический тест и конкурс письменной речи — 60 баллов (за каждый правильный ответ лексико-грамматического теста дается 1 балл, всего 20 вопросов, интегрированная часть и конкурс письменной речи проверяются по Критериям оценивания. Интегрированная часть оценивается в 20 баллов, конкурс письменной речи оценивается в 20 баллов).

Проверка письменных работ включает следующие этапы:

  1. фронтальная проверка одной (случайно выбранной и отксерокопированной для всех членов жюри) работы;
  2. обсуждение выставленных оценок с целью выработки сбалансированной модели проверки;
  3. индивидуальная проверка работ: каждая работа проверяется в обязательном порядке двумя членами жюри независимо друг от друга (каждый член жюри получает чистую копию работы без каких-либо пометок). В случае значительного расхождения выставленных оценок (5 баллов и более), назначается еще одна проверка, «спорные» работы проверяются и обсуждаются коллективно.

Конкурс второго тура

Конкурс устной речи — 20 баллов (оценивается по Критериям оценивания конкурса устной речи).

Процедура оценивания устной речи включает следующие этапы:

  1. заполнение протокола членами жюри;
  2. запись всех этапов устного ответа (монолог + беседа) на магнитофон или электронный носитель;

Устное выступление оценивается двумя членами жюри, которые заносят баллы каждого участника пары в свой протокол (общий для двух членов жюри в аудитории) после обсуждения; в случае значительного расхождения мнений членов жюри принимается решение о прослушивании сделанной записи устного ответа и оценка выставляется всеми членами жюри.

Подведение итогов регионального этапа 

  • Для каждого участника полученные баллы за каждый конкурс суммируются. Победителем является тот участник, который набрал наибольшую сумму баллов. Максимальная сумма баллов за все конкурсы — 120 баллов (40+60+20)
  • Методическая комиссия по английскому языку подготовила один комплект заданий для 9—11 классов. При подведении итогов выстраивается единый рейтинг для участников 9—11 классов для определения победителя и призеров регионального этапа.


Регистрироваться необязательно. Поставьте курсор в текстовую область, щелкните по появившемуся полю «Имя», отметьте опцию «Хотел бы написать как гость».
